The Anuak Justice Council, a 501(c)(3) organization, is a representative voice for the Anuak community worldwide. Our mission
is to advocate peacefully for the rights and security of the Anuak wherever they live.
The Anuak are a small minority group in Ethiopia and Sudan, residing mainly in the Gambella region of southwestern Ethiopia.
They have been the predominant landowners in the region for several generations, enjoying relative peace and coexisting with other
minority groups, although tensions with the Ethiopian government over land ownership have existed for decades. The current regime
in Ethiopia has not acted favorably toward the Anuak and over the last decade has become an increasingly oppressive reality for
the Anuak.
On December 13, 2003, members of the Ethiopian military and other ethnic groups massacred more than 400 people in the town of
Gambella. Since that time, the Anuak have continued to suffer genocide and other on-going crimes against humanity.
In the months following the December 2003 massacre, many Anuak expatriates felt scattered and powerless in their efforts to raise
awareness of the oppression against their people and to help family members in immediate danger. Compounding this frustration
was the lack of coverage of this tragedy by the international press.
As the atrocities continued, the urgent need for an organized voice for the Anuak became apparent, and in response to that need
the Anuak Justice Council was formed. Representatives from the AJC have presented testimony to governmental bodies in the UN,
the US, Canada and the European Union.
The AJC has also formed partnerships with international law groups to bring legal pressure to bear against the current Ethiopian
regime in international court, and through contacts with other human rights organizations has been instrumental in initiating
extensive investigations into the alleged crimes of genocide. Noteworthy among those investigations is the report
by Human Rights Watch, a report that strongly implicates the Ethiopian government
as a perpetrator of genocide.
The hope of the Anuak Justice Council is that with the help of pressure from the international community, a process of negotiation
with the Ethiopian government can begin that would lead to a peaceful solution to the violence in Gambella, and ultimately to
a safe and secure homeland to which the scattered Anuak can return.