Invitation to Organizations
Concerned About Ethiopia to Participate in a Symposium On:
“Where Do We Go From Here?”
Saturday, August 30, 2008
4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Unification Church, 1610 Columbia Rd, NW, Washington D.C.
Press Release: August 13, 2008
On Saturday, August 30, 2008, I, Obang Metho, and other peace loving
Ethiopians, will be hosting a Symposium on:
“Where Do We Go From Here?” This is the next
step towards the formation of a Solidarity Movement
for a New Ethiopia. All who are concerned about the future
of Ethiopia should plan on coming to the event which will be held
from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Unification Church at 1610 Columbia
Rd NW, in Washington D.C. This will be an important opportunity
for you to be part of this urgent discussion that you should not
We are inviting civic organizations, individuals and the public
to come together to offer solutions to the question, “Where
do we, as Ethiopians, go from here?” Those guests invited
to speak include representatives of human rights groups, academia,
religious organizations, civic groups—including those for
women and youth, humanitarian organizations and governmental entities,
both Ethiopian and non-Ethiopian. Each participant will be given
ten minutes to share their vision about where we can go as a collective
society under the premise that no one is truly free unless all are
free. Opportunity will also be given to the public for questions
and comments.
No one person or organization will have all of the answers, but
ideas generated by diverse people and groups can bring about greater
answers than otherwise possible. However, this will not be the usual
kind of meeting when people come in and talk with no follow up action
required. Instead, this will be a continuation of the effort to
bring all civic organizations under one umbrella. That umbrella
is a Solidarity Movement for a New Ethiopia.
This kind of meeting is all the more critical because you and I
cannot ignore the pain of suffering back home and not do anything
about it. Therefore, I am calling this meeting as the next step
in bringing together new groups and organizations to create a more
powerful force to confront the destruction of Ethiopia, something
that is now in full force under the hands of the dictator, Meles
Zenawi. Enough is enough and we can no longer wait for any leader
to free us. We have to free ourselves to survive as a people and
as a nation.
A recent press release, posted on August 11,2008 from ActionAid
entitled, “Horn of Africa at Tipping
Point,” warns that the country, as part of the
increasingly unstable Horn of Africa, is in danger of collapsing
into something catastrophic if nothing is done. They state, “With
millions facing hunger and destitution, ActionAid is warning that
the region is now reaching a tipping point with increasing numbers
of people unable to cope. Altogether five countries – Ethiopia,
Kenya, Somalia, Eritrea and Djibouti – are affected. If nothing
is done, the situation could easily become catastrophic.”
Even though the crisis in Ethiopia is worse than in 2005 or in
2006, Ethiopians are less active than before. We understand the
problem and the extreme hardship being faced by our people back
home; but despite knowing this, many are failing to act. Our words,
sympathy and anxiety mean nothing if they are not given life through
meaningful action.
For example, in addition to hunger and inflation, there is severe
repression of the press where people cannot speak up without the
threat of serious punitive actions—like the arrest of not
only Teddy Afro, but also of his attorney and a newspaper editor
who reported on the story.
At the same time, many Ethiopians passively sit by listening to
his music, but fail to speak out for him and others like him. Newspapers
editors, journalists and political activists continue to be intimidated
or locked up in prisons and jails throughout the country.
Websites are blocked. Radio stations are jammed. The work of Western
human rights and humanitarian groups is restricted due to a new
“charities law” recently passed, which makes it difficult,
if not impossible, to do their work. Some have even left the country
as a result, despite the ongoing critical need.
Human rights atrocities continue in the Ogaden and in the Afar
region at the hands of the TPLF or Woyane as well as in other areas
in the country. In Oromia, reports of disappearances, torture and
the suppression of Oromo activists persist. The conflict between
the Oromo and Gumuz festers along with new reports of conflict between
the Guji and the Burji in the Southern Nations.
In both cases, some significant evidence points to the government
as being the ones “stoking the fires” of the conflict.
Instead of the government acting as peacemakers, they fail to take
protective action on behalf of the victims or to investigate the
case in order to hold the perpetrators accountable. Moreover, some
reports allege that the government has disarmed one group while
supplying arms to the other—not a new complaint in Ethiopia!
The border issue is simmering with more threats of violence between
Ethiopian stakeholders and Meles-empowered encroachers. Zenawi has
now also given over Ethiopian land to Djibouti and there are rumors
stirring that he intends to give or “lease” arable land
in Gambella to Saudi Arabia instead of to Ethiopians who are in
the middle of one of the worst food crises in history!
Where is our moral outrage or have we become numb to the pain of
other human beings and to the evil being perpetrated on those created
to represent the image of God? Will we not be judged for failing
to stand up at such a time as this for the weak and vulnerable?
This is your opportunity to change the direction of our country.
We must stand up and challenge these opportunistic policies and
those individuals among us who are taking advantage of the open
market on the exploitation of the weakest in our society. Those
Hodamoch or opportunistic people are
not only Tigrayan, they are found within most every ethnic group,
organization and religious group. Without these Hodamoch
or opportunistic people, the apartheid system of Meles would have
never lasted this long. They have become the lifeblood of his evil
system, but together we can confront them.
However, if we to are to be successful, we must focus on how we
can bring justice, freedom, opportunity, equality and hope to Ethiopia
rather than being fixated on blaming, accusing, attacking and insulting
other groups—something that diverts our attention from our
main goal.
I do not care who these groups are—you can call them Separatists,
Liberation Fronts, Terrorists, Cessationists, supporters of the
peaceful struggle, proponents of the armed-struggle or those in
between. You can call them Muslims, Christians,
radicals, Neftegna, Amhara Neftegna, or Oromo Neftegna, Shaebia,
feudalists, barias, unemployed youth, anti-peace elements, freedom
fighters or whatever you like, I do not care because these
people are all Ethiopian and we must try to work with them or we
will end up spending all our energy blocking each other rather than
the focusing on the destruction of Ethiopia by Meles and his cronies.
In the same way, we lose momentum if we spend so much time defending
ourselves or tearing down the work of others while leaving Meles
alone. Instead, our main goal should be for us come together in
a dialogue in one room and that day, TPLF or Woyane will know their
Consider the lesson of the ant found in an Anuak proverb that assures
us that an army of tiny, little ants can kill
an elephant. The same analogy applies regarding the collective
efficiency of ants to defeat the slithering snake that is preying
on the newly born chicks in a bird’s nest.
The snake quietly slithers into the bird’s nest to devour
the vulnerable little chicks, but sometime, there are also others
who occupy the nest—the tiny ants who end up saving the chicks
by biting and covering all over the snake until the much larger
snake is driven out from the nest. Their strength is their collective
work and the collective force of the hundreds or thousands of ants
will easily defeat the larger foe, not their individual ability.
Meles is not a formidable foe when we utilize our collective strength.
As we do, we do not need the permission of Meles or his supporters—inside
or outside the country—in order for us to come together. We
also can do it at the time of our own choosing! This is not the
same old game. The rules of operation have changed.
The rules of change means tolerating some degree of division as
part of a process of sorting out the best ways to get to a common
goal. New leadership, where the leaders put humanity before ethnicity,
will automatically produce some inner tensions between the goals,
values and tactics of these new leaders and those who believe in
“Melesism”—also known as ethnic divide and conquer
Meles uses Article 39 for his own advancement at the cost of the
destruction of the country. People are supposed to think they have
autonomy, but they are under the control of the TPLF. Meles does
not want all the varied groups with their different approaches to
have a dialogue and to come up with common goals. Yet, dialogue
and compromise is the best means to be used to restore peace and
harmony to Ethiopia.
Because of this, I, and others, God-willing, are determined to
work as hard as possible to accomplish such solidarity. I repeat,
by God’s will, we will try to make sure that all these political,
civic and religious groups come together in the same room and have
a dialogue for a lasting peace in Ethiopia. An atmosphere of peace
is just the beginning of the road to building a future for a New
Join this Solidarity Movement for a New Ethiopia—where
all are respected, valued, equally appreciated and have opportunity.
There is already solidarity building among civic organizations like
the Ethiopian Solidarity Forum, Ethiopia-Sudan Border Affairs Committee;
Oromo American Citizen Council, EHRCO, Ogaden Human Rights Committee,
Coalition for H.R. 2003; Afar Human Rights Organization, Benishangul-Gumuz
Human Rights Foundation, Anuak Justice Council, Gasha for Ethiopia,
Solidarity Committee for Ethiopian Political Prisoners; Save Ethiopian
Refugee International; Ethiopian Student Association International;
Ethiopian Women for Peace and Development, Ethiopian Free Press
Journalists’ Association; Ethiopian Common Forum in Norway;
Ethiopian community in Kampala, Ethiopian National Congress, Holy
Synod of Ethiopia Orthodox Tewahdo Church; Ethiopian Canadian Muslim
Community Association, Ethiopian American Evangelicals for HR2003;
Ethiopian Council of Elders, where leaders are emerging who are
more than capable of seeing the purpose of solidarity and dialogue
in bringing about lasting peace. The same is true in religious groups
such as within the Ethiopian Muslims, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church,
the Ethiopian Catholics, the Ethiopian Evangelicals, Ethiopian Pentecostals
and others.
We already have discovered the common ground of human rights which
can provide a foundation in the formation of a Solidarity
Movement for a New Ethiopia that could become a pressure
group—a watchdog organization—that would hold other
groups and institutions—political, governmental, economic,
social, religious—accountable for respecting the God-given
human rights of Ethiopians and of others in the Horn of Africa and
in greater Africa.
This is the third event in the formation of a Solidarity
Movement for a New Ethiopia in a series, starting with the
previous two events, the first one being the meeting of diverse
groups, “Human Rights for Ethiopians in
the Next Millennium,” held in Washington D.C. on November
17, 2007 when representatives from most of the regions within Ethiopia
came together in unity. For more information, visit:
The second event carried out was the Worldwide
March for Freedom, Human Rights and Justice of May 15-18 which
had four goals: 1) the commemoration of the lost lives of Ethiopians
and the failed 2005 election, 2) a day of reconciliation and reaching
out to others in informal ways, 3) a rally for a greater movement
to achieve freedom, justice and equality in Ethiopia, and 4) a day
of prayer for God’s help. For more info visit:
Now, the goal of this third event is to pull together the civic
organizations, many of which already have leaders who demonstrate
the vision, integrity, humanity and abilities we need in Ethiopia
leaders of the future. It will be people such as these who will
lay the groundwork for genuine freedom, justice, human rights, equality
and civility in the country. As these civic leaders solidify their
vision for the country, they will be in a position to impact a future
event when political groups will be invited to join in a similar
dialogue and strategy session.
This current event is not a political discussion, but it will be
important for political leaders to be present if they want to learn
from the people and the new emerging leaders within Ethiopian civil
society about their vision and expectations for Ethiopia in the
future. Politicians should not be left out of these important discussions
and are warmly welcomed. This includes all types of political groups—liberation
fronts, peaceful struggle groups, armed-struggle groups, separatists
and others.
The Solidarity Movement for a New Ethiopia
is like the spider web that is being woven in beauty and complexity
and can be an image of the beauty and complexity of Ethiopian society
like the garden of Ethiopia of which I have been talking for the
last two years. In the center of that web is its
strength—the solidarity of the people, for the people and
by the people. It is a pan-ethnic and pan-Ethiopian movement where
diversity is celebrated like the individual fibers of the net that
hold the web together as one.
We can consider each individual fiber of the web to be like a tribe
of Ethiopia. We can then see that each is an important part in what
makes it beautiful and complete. We can also see that if one of
those fibers is broken, it compromises the strength of the entire
web. Its strength is collective and based on its completeness. The
only way the web can capture the fly is if it holds together.
Like the web, the only way we Ethiopians can stop the enemy that
threatens to destroy us as a people and as a society is if we are
together in collective solidarity. An Ethiopian proverb states,
“When the spider’s web is together,
it is strong enough to tie down a lion!”
On August 30th, we will be strengthening the foundation for the
transformation of Ethiopia and at its center must be our solidarity
as Ethiopians and even more so as human beings. Do not be left out
of this important discussion and please encourage new people you
know to become involved.
The names of the speakers will soon be announced. Those who would
like to be on the program should also contact us at the earliest
Please note: Volunteers are needed to help. We encourage you to
contact us for more information. We also appreciate any financial
contributions you may be able to make to this event and the overall
May God guide and help us to honor Him in all we do.
For more information please
contact me by email at:
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